Big Ideas: To investigate how weather is a state of atmosphere at a particular time and place. To understand the major compentes of weather and climate. 
Essential Questions: How does weather differ from climate? Why do seasonal changes occur? How is heat and temperature related? How do clouds form? How does air pressure, jet streams, masses, and front effect weather?
Vocabulary: atmosphere, wind chill, moisture, humidity, air lifts, precipitation, rainbows, high/low pressure, wind, jet stream, thunderstorms, mesocyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes 
Month Content Skills Asessment Standards Instructional Activities,
Strategies, and Differentiation
April Weather Formative:  HS-ESS2-4,5,6; HS-ESS2-8,9; HS-ESS3-1; HS-ESS3-5, 6 Provide Topic Reading Assignments and Vocabulary List   
    Deliver Information via Lecture, Discussion and Handouts
Atmosphere Create a hygrometer to help understand how it is used to measure relative humidity.  Student Partipiation and Dialog  Use Technology (ie Simulations/Illustrations/Videos), Various Manipulatives and Word Play
Temperature/Heat Use cotton balls to demonstrate water capacity in clouds.  Study Guide Assignments  Offer Review Opportunities (Study Guides and Study Sessions)
Wind Chill, Moisture, Humidity Show how water vapor causes precipitation. Lab Practicles and/or Projects Supplement Topic Discussion with Labs/Projects/Demonstrations
Clouds Witness if a cloud can be made artificially if the conditions are right inside a controlled environment.  Chapter Quizzes
Precipitation Support the fact that convection can be modeled by using smoke as an indicator as warm air rises and cool air sinks in a cycle. Reading / Vocabulary Exam  
Air Pressure Review surface weather station plots and being able to understand the symbols used to create such plots.   
Jet Stream and Coriolis Effect Create a model and/or demonstration that includes at least one manipulative and use it/them to present on one of any various weather-related topics.  Summative:
Masses and Fronts  
Thunderstorms and Mesocyclones Chapter Exam
Tornadoes and Hurricanes  
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