Big Ideas: Plant Beginnings and Diversity / Structure and Function of Plants  
Essential Questions: What are the basic plant life cycles? How did plants basically evolve? How are plants classified?  What examples are there that define some of the earliest plants? What are the various cells/tissues that make up plants? What defines a root, stem, and leaf? How is water and nutrients carried? Do plants have hormones?
Vocabulary: gymnosperms, angiosperms, monocot, dicot; epidermis, xylem, phloem, parenchyma, roots 
Month Content Skills Asessment Standards Instructional Activities,
Strategies, and Differentiation
September Plant Diversity: Formative:  Formal Indiana State Core Standards Are Not Available  Provide Topic Reading Assignments and Vocabulary List   
* Seedless Vascular Plants (Evolution of Vascular Tissue, Club Mosses, Horsetails, Ferns) Examine a fern in order to help understand the anatomy and physiology of Tracheophytes. Student Partipiation and Dialog  Deliver Information via Lecture, Discussion and Handouts
* Seed Plants (Gymnosperms and Angiosperms, Cones/Flowers, Seeds, Fruit, Introduction to Monocots and Dicots) Examine anatomical structures of a dicot seed and embryo Study Guide Assignments  However, Some Related State Standards Associated with General Biology Could Apply Use Technology (ie Simulations/Illustrations/Videos), Various Manipulatives and Word Play
Grow and observe plant development from seed to near maturity using a controlled experiment and to make daily observations,   Lab Practicles and/or Projects   Offer Review Opportunities (Study Guides and Study Sessions)
  records and analysis for the growing plant Chapter Quizzes Visit: Supplement Topic Discussion with Labs/Projects/Demonstrations
Roots, Stems, and Leaves: Reading / Vocabulary Exam
* Plant Tissues (Epidermal, Vascular (Xylem/Phloem), and Ground (Parenchyma, Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma)) Be aware of various types of ground tissue in plants  
* Structures, Types, Adaptations (Anatomy and Physiology of Mainly Roots, Stems, and Leaves) Observe and understand the external and internal structures and functions of roots Summative:
    Chapter Exam
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