Big Ideas: Structure and Function / Homeostasis   
Essential Questions: How are oxgen and carbon dioxide exchage? How does the body get ride of waste?
Vocabulary: pharynx, trachea, larynx, brochus, alveolus, diaphragm; excretion, ureter, bladder, urethra, nephron, glomerulus, loop of Henle, kidney, liver
Month Content Skills Asessment Standards Instructional Activities,
Strategies, and Differentiation
January Respiratory System:  Formative:  AP1; AP11 Provide Topic Reading Assignments and Vocabulary List   
Deliver Information via Lecture, Discussion and Handouts
Pathway (Nostrils, Nasopharynx, Larynx, Glottis, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs, Bronchiole, Alveoli) Understand how breathing works by constructing a working lung model. Student Partipiation and Dialog  Use Technology (ie Simulations/Illustrations/Videos), Various Manipulatives and Word Play
Gas Exchange (O2/CO2, Hemoglobin, Oxyhemoglobin, HCO3) Test changes in the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood. Study Guide Assignments  Offer Review Opportunities (Study Guides and Study Sessions)
Breathing (Diaphragm, Intercostal Muscles, “Inspiration” / “Expiration”) Calculate the amount of air volume in a room and the rate in which those students in the room breath. Lab Practicles and/or Projects Supplement Topic Discussion with Labs/Projects/Demonstrations
Conditions, Biological Issues, and Implications (i.e. Asthma, Pneumonia, Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, and Tuberculosis) Chapter Quizzes
Reading / Vocabulary Exam
Excretory System:   AP1; AP12
Excretion (Homeostasis) Dissect a kidney for study.
Organs (Liver, Kidney, Ureters, Urinary Bladder, and Urethra) Research and construct a 3-D model of a human nephron. Chapter Exam
Kidney Structures/Function (Renal Artery/Vein, Cortex, Medulla, Renal Pelvis, Nephron(s))
Nephron (Glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, Proximal Tubule, Loop of Henle, Distal Tubule, Collection Duct, etc…)
Conditions, Biological Issues, and Implications (i.e. Kidney Stones and UTI)
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