Big Ideas: Structure and Function / Homeostasis   
Essential Questions: How are the materials that go into your body relate to homeostasis? How does the body convert food into useful moelcules? How does the human body get rid of wastes?; What structures transport substances throughout the body? What are the roles of blood and the lymphatic system?  
Vocabulary: organic molecules, digestion, mouth, esophagus, peristalsis, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum; myocardium, atria, ventricles, valves, pulmonary and systemic circulation, pacemaker, artery, vein, capillary
Month Content Skills Asessment Standards Instructional Activities,
Strategies, and Differentiation
November  Digestive System: Formative:  AP1; AP10 Provide Topic Reading Assignments and Vocabulary List   
Deliver Information via Lecture, Discussion and Handouts
Biological Molecules and/or Nutrition (Review and Discussion) Determine the lowest concentration of a substance dissolved in water which can still be tasted. Student Partipiation and Dialog  Use Technology (ie Simulations/Illustrations/Videos), Various Manipulatives and Word Play
Oral Cavity (Mouth, Glands, and Pharynx) and Thoracic Cavity (Esophagus, Peristalsis, Bolus) Dissect a fetal pig and observe tissues that are related to the organs of the digestive system. Study Guide Assignments  Offer Review Opportunities (Study Guides and Study Sessions)
Abdominal Cavity (Stomach, Small and Large Intestine, Pancreas, Liver, Rectum, Various Glands/Chemistry) Lab Practicles and/or Projects Supplement Topic Discussion with Labs/Projects/Demonstrations
Conditions, Biological Issues, and Implications (i.e. Ulcers, Anorexia Nervosa, and Bulimia) Chapter Quizzes
Reading / Vocabulary Exam AP1; AP8, 9  
Circulatory System:
Heart (Pericardium, Septum, Chambers, Apex, and Pacemaker) Investigate how blood and blood cells flow in a vertebrate by observing vessels.
Vessels (Arteries, Arterioles, Veins, Venules, Capillaries, and Lymphatic) Dissect a heart for study and observe various vessels and chambers. Chapter Exam
Pathway (Blood through the System (Vessels/Chambers)) Measure pulse rate, blood pressure, and interpret an EKG reading from human test subjects.
Contraction, Pulse, and Pressure (Pacemaker, Systolic/Diastolic) Model and simulate blood and its components.
Blood (Plasma, RBC, WBC, Platelets, Antibodies, Antigens, Blood Types, Rh Factor, Counter Current Heating) Observe and record characteristics of different type of human blood cells.
Conditions, Biological Issues, and Implications (i.e. Hypertension, Myocardial Infarction, and Leukemia)
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