Big Ideas: Metabolism / Respiration / Photorespiration  
Essential Questions: What is cellular respiration?  What is cellular fermentation?  How does a cell create energy in the form of ATP for anabolic/catabolic reactions? How is energy in the form of glucose created with light, water, carbon dioxide, and pigments?
Vocabulary: aerobic respiration, pyruvate converstion, Kreb's cycle, electron transport chain; light, pigments, photosystems 
Month Content Skills Asessment Standards Instructional Activities,
Strategies, and Differentiation
November Cellular Metabolism, Fermentation, and Respiration: Formative:  Formal Indiana State Core Standards Are Not Available  Provide Topic Reading Assignments and Vocabulary List   
Deliver Information via Lecture, Discussion and Handouts
Aerobic Respiration (Pyruvate Conversion and Kreb’s Cycle and Electron Transport Chain) Study how exercise affects the disposal of waste (CO2) from cellular respiration Student Partipiation and Dialog  However, Some Related State Standards Associated with General Biology Could Apply Use Technology (ie Simulations/Illustrations/Videos), Various Manipulatives and Word Play
Chemisosmotic Theory (ATP Production) Study Guide Assignments    Offer Review Opportunities (Study Guides and Study Sessions)
  Lab Practicles and/or Projects Visit: Supplement Topic Discussion with Labs/Projects/Demonstrations
Photosynthesis: Chapter Quizzes
Reading / Vocabulary Exam  
Terminology and Functions (Heterotrophs/Autotrophs, ATP/NADP+, Light-Dependent/Independent Reactions) Identify chloroplast organelles and the guard cells that help with the process of photosynthesis using a scope
Plastids (Chlorophyll and Carotenoids) and Light Energy (Nature and Absorption) Extracted pigments from various leaves and separate those various types (i.e. carotenes, xanthophylls, chlorophylls a and b)  Summative:
Photosystems (Antenna Complex/Reaction Center, Systems I and II, Photophosphorylation, Z-Scheme) Demonstrate “florescence” when photons of light excite electrons to a higher energy level
  Observe the rate of photosynthesis by infusing carbon dioxide into plant leaves and then exposing the leaf “discs” to light as well as without light Chapter Exam
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