9-Page Spread Project, 2018
A 9-Page Spread is a Group of Papers or “Panels” that are Closely Tied or Related Together to One Another
· The middle panel is always the “Title Panel” and each of the panels that surround this panel to be related to the “Title Panel”.
· Each panel is to be done professionally, have 10+ Facts/ Information, have Diagrams (pictures, charts, and/or graphs) and have Color. Each panel is also to depict the given Theme. Originality and creativity will help your overall grade. Panels are to be set for “landscape” only. Try to cover the entire panel. No color printing is allowed from school; home is alright. You may have panels checked at a time during class or wait to have the entire project done. Appropriate research may come from text, proper websites, study guides, and/or especially lecture notes.
· Each panel is to be put together by overlapping each panel by ~˝ inch. Panels are to be in the same order / configuration as shown on the “Categories and Themes” Chart. This may be done in class or outside of class (tba).
· A copy of the “rubric” will be passed out in order of each member in the group to review the requirements but also to initial which panel(s) you agreed to do. Failure to do your panel will result in you (not your group) receiving a zero grade.
Note: The 10th Panel is optional; however, if done correctly, the group will receive extra credit for this assignment. Including APA style references on the back of the panels will also increase the chance of a higher grade (see citation machine online)
Panels: Categories and Themes
(Restaurant’s Fancy Menu w/ dishes, desserts, drinks; prices) [include 10 facts/information] |
(Puzzle; ie. crossword or word search; w/ 10+?’s as a key) [include 10 facts/information] |
(Cartoon or Comic Strip; serious or humorous; self-created) [include 10 facts/information] |
(Advertisement (business and/or service) found in a magazine) [include 10 facts/information] |
(Quiz; w/ 10+?’s as a key with everyone’s name on the top) [include 10 facts/information] |
(Board Game w/ 10+?’s or clues; ie. like monopoly) [include 10 facts/information] |
Malignant Tumors
(Tell how a cancer cell of your choice travels and infect a body) [include 10 facts/information] |
(VENN Diagram comparing normal and cancerous WBC’s) [include 10 facts/information] |
Benign Tumors
(Poem or Short Story; rhyming or non-rhyming) [include 10 facts/information] |
Cancer Ribbons (optional) (Draw, color, and label 10+ different cancer ribbons)