· Create the “Apparatus” (flush left title) section (can be modified during lab; however, revised afterwards) needed for the experiment (seeds will be provided). Ask for any special materials that might be needed for your lab.
· Device the “Procedure” (flush left title) section (can be modified during lab; however, revised afterwards) for creating your lab (i.e. seed preparation, plant care, transplanting, etc…).
refuted, tell why, unforeseen event(s), improvement(s), and spring board question
If you wish to build a “greenhouse” – Supplies will be provided.
Vascular APA Lab Report Rubric
Possible Points 120 |
Unawareness 1-2 |
Developing 3-4 |
Knowledgeable 5-6 |
Exemplary 7-8 |
Score |
Title Page
Title Only
Title Name(s) |
Title Name(s) Affiliation |
Title Name(s) Affiliation Date |
No abstract and/or very little summary, purpose, methods |
Very brief summary given; but no purpose or methods; block |
Brief summary; purpose for lab methods; block style, 120+ |
Comprehensive; purpose / goal / and objectives block, 150-250 |
Introduction: Problem |
Does not address an issue related to the topic |
Address a topic issue which is unrelated to the research |
Addresses an issue somewhat related to research |
Realistic issue directly related to research; question format |
Introduction: Research |
Does not answer any questions suggest in the lab; limited facts |
Answers some questions; few facts and information |
Answers problem; but could use more facts/information |
Answers problem / factual, proper citations, proper headers used |
Introduction: Hypothesis |
Not testable and is in a question form |
An educated guess without much testability |
A fair testable statement; poorly written |
A specific statement that can be tested
Method: Apparatus
No or very little materials given; no quantity no metric |
Not enough materials listed and little quantity of items given |
Most materials listed and with quantity of items; metric used |
All materials used-listed and quantity given; metric used |
Method: Procedure
Not sequential, most steps are missing or are confusing |
Some of the steps understandable; most are confusing |
Most of the steps understandable; some lack detail or are confusing |
Complete and detailed sentences; correct tense |
Results: Paragraph(s) (linked to Results: Graphic) |
Very little data collected and used correctly to formulate results |
Somewhat qualitative, quantitative, or pictorial cited |
Fairly qualitative, quantitative, or pictorial cited |
Qualitative, quantitative, pictorial cited Statistics used |
No or poor examination, interpreting, or qualifying of lab |
Four of the five main items mentioned Done fairly |
Five of the six main items mentioned Done well |
Six of the six main items addressed Done correctly |
No or very little references and/or mention of references given |
Few references given and/or poorly written for APA |
Some required APA references or number of references shown |
Complete APA references according to lab guidelines |
Figure Page (linked to Results: Paragraph) |
Poor graph and/or graph missing information |
Fair use or development of a graph Caption included |
Done correctly; evaluation of results fine Caption included |
Graph(s) helped to explain your sufficient results Caption included |
Grammar, Spelling, and Alignment |
Very frequent grammar and /or spelling errors; Pronouns |
Two or more errors with gram-mar/spelling; Some pronouns |
One or two errors with grammar and/or spelling; Few pronouns |
All grammar and spelling are correct, all DS; No pronouns |
Organized and Clean
No organization
Area in lab not clean |
Poor organization of lab and area not too clean |
Fairly organized; however, area was kept clean and neat |
Well organized Area clean and neatly taken care of |
Total disregard and waste of class time for lab creation |
Many delays in getting research, gathering items, and being on task |
Some delay in getting research, materials, and creating steps |
Research, materials, and steps on task |
Overall Understanding of Assignment |
Little Format, Coverage and/orProfessionalism |
Poor Format, Coverage and/orProfessionalism |
Fair Format, Coverage and/orProfessionalism |
Great Format, Coverage and/orProfessionalism |