Extra Credit Online


“You Are Allowed to Do this Assignment

Only Once per 9 Weeks Throughout the Year with Different Answers Only”



“Read and Do Carefully or No Points Will be Awarded”


All assignments are to be turned in… extra credit means that you’ve done your best

with previous assignments and wish to extend or go beyond the required work


Your answer needs to be 200+ words for “both” answers/narratives


The answer is to be stated clearly and professionally


The answers MUST include at least one or more complete (non-verbal and non-multi search engine)

reference(s) each. You are to do your own research and work (no cheating/dishonesty/plagiarism allowed)


Highly similar, questionable, or plagiaristic answers

from you or fellow students due to copying, cutting,

and/or pasting of work may be subject to investigation,

checked online with a plagiarism and/or AI checker website

 and/or not counted for extra credit from all parties

involved for the entire year.


Use the Following to Create Your References and Check for Plagiarism








The 20 Extra Credit Point

Opportunity Question/Statement


Choose 2 (Two) People that have Contributed to the Understanding of

Biology or Earth Space Science

(depending on what class you are in)




State a Narrative/Biography about Each by Describing What They Did and

What They are Famous For



To Send Your Answer Click the Icon Below

“Do Not Use Email”





An Answer Does Not Insure Full

Credit of 20 Bonus Points