Advanced Biology Web Page


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Pending When Courses Are or Were Offered





 Teaching Young Minds: Evolution



 Organic Breakfast Lab


 Entomophagy Lab


  Marshmallow Model Lab


 Light Depend Reaction Photosynthesis Lab


 Entomophagy “Insect Eating” Lab


 Biodiversity Presentation to 8th Graders


 Plant Pigment Extraction Lab


 Molecular Biology Extraction Lab


 Entomophagy “Insect Eating” Lab


 Teaching Plant and Animal Diversity 


 Protein Synthesis Modeling “Translation”


   DNA Extraction Lab


 Biochemistry Breakfast Lab


 Entomophagy Lab



 Teaching Biodiversity to Young Minds


 Floating Leaf Discs for Photosynthesis


 Entomophagy Lab


 Teaching Plant and Animal Diversity to Young Minds


 Amazing “Human” Race


 DNA Replication Model


 Human DNA Extraction Lab


 Insect Lab


 Saponification Lab


 Amazing “Human” Race


 Extracting DNA from Human Cells


 Insect Lab


 Saponification Lab


 Human DNA Extraction Lab


 Floating Leaf Disk Photosynthesis Lab


 Organic Breakfast Lab


 Insect Recipe “Entomophagy” Lab


 Saponification Lab







Specific Online Lab Activities

for Advanced Biology


Pre-Test and/or Post-Test Evaluation

(by assignment only)


Cloud Stop Motion

Enzyme Animation Maker Assignment


Scitable: “Collaborative Learning Space for Science”


Hippocampus: Digital Media Tutorials


Biology Project Website 


Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis Activities


Glycolysis Interactive Lecture


Cellular Respiration


Cellular Respiration Khan Academy 




Photosynthesis Khan Academy 


DNA Activities


DNA Replication Review: 1-3


DNA and Protein Synthesis Review Activities


Karyotype Activities


Make a Karyotype


Mitosis, Meiosis, and Fertilization

(Just Reading)

Extra or Missing Chromosomes

(Reading and Interactive)

Chromosomal Rearrangements

(Reading and Interactive)

Karyotyping Activity Using Patient Histories

(Place Answers for Patients A, B and C on Paper, tbd)



Genomic Data Base Activities


What is BLAST?



Life can be a B.L.A.S.T.

Query Sequence (of DNA Bases)

 (to be assigned; may copy and paste)


Chromosomal Mapping


Searching for Genes